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Youth Accounts

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Empower Your Kids with Financial Knowledge

Equip your children with essential financial skills to complement their education in reading, writing, and math. While schools often overlook money management, we are dedicated to helping you teach your kids how to make informed financial decisions. Learning to manage money as a family can be both fun and rewarding. Let Eagle show you how to make financial education an engaging part of your family's life.

Circus Club Account

Teach your kids the importance of saving with the Circus Club Account, designed for children up to age 12. Whether they're saving for a new video game or for college, this account helps them learn to count their money and make their money count!

  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $5
    • $5 minimum account balance required for credit union membership share.
  • Every member who opens a new youth account gets Eagle's piggy bank.

Kickstart Your Financial Journey with the Green Team

Get a head start on your financial future by joining the Green Team!

  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $5
    • $5 minimum account balance required for credit union membership share.
  • Access to a Checking Account*
    • Requires adult joint-owner
  • Receive a FREE ATM Card or MasterCard Enhanced Debit Card*
  • Enjoy an Eagle piggy bank when you open a new youth account

Since it is never too early to plan for tomorrow, we also offer great rates on our Early Saver Share Certificates* for Circus Club and Green Team members. And, the certificates only require a $500 minimum deposit to open.

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Circus Club Access Savings
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$5 $5 0.100% 0.100%
$5 $10,000 0.100% 0.100%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
*Circus Club (ages 0-12) and Green Team (ages 13-17) members may open an Early Savers Certificate with a minimum deposit of $500 and earn the $2,000 Share Certificate rate and APY, based on term. Terms available: 3 - 60 months. At maturity, funds in an Early Saver Certificate automatically transfer to the member’s savings account, if a member is 18 or older. Penalties apply for early withdrawal.* All Green Team members must have a joint account with a parent or guardian to open a checking account and be eligible for a MasterCard Enhanced Debit Card.

Green Team Access Savings
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$5 $5 0.100% 0.100%
$5 $10,000 0.100% 0.100%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
*Circus Club (ages 0-12) and Green Team (ages 13-17) members may open an Early Savers Certificate with a minimum deposit of $500 and earn the $2,000 Share Certificate rate and APY, based on term. Terms available: 3 - 60 months. At maturity, funds in an Early Saver Certificate automatically transfer to the member’s savings account, if a member is 18 or older. Penalties apply for early withdrawal.* All Green Team members must have a joint account with a parent or guardian to open a checking account and be eligible for a MasterCard Enhanced Debit Card.

Early Saver Certificate**†
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
TermMin. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
3 Months $500 $2,000 2.472% 2.500%
6 Months $500 $2,000 3.348% 3.400%
12 Months $500 $2,000 3.203% 3.250%
24 Months $500 $2,000 3.203% 3.250%
36 Months $500 $2,000 3.008% 3.050%
48 Months $500 $2,000 3.154% 3.200%
60 Months $500 $2,000 3.251% 3.300%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
† Penalty for early withdrawal and fees or other conditions could reduce earnings on the account. If you make a withdrawal from your certificate before the maturity date, a penalty will be charged on the amount of the withdrawal based on the original term of the certificate. These penalties are as outlined: Up to 12 months: 90 days of dividends, 13+ months: 180 days of dividends. Please see Eagle Community Credit Union’s Disclosure and Agreement of Terms and Conditions and Service Pricing Schedule for complete details and fee disclosure.
**Early Saver Certificate applies to Circus Club and Green Team Accounts only


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Banzai Financial Education

financial education

Take Control of Your Money

Eagle Community Credit Union has partnered with Banzai to bring you clear, in-depth lessons that help you dive into the financial topics you care most about. Read an article, talk to a digital coach, complete a course - our financial education is here to help you learn about: Budgeting, Borrowing and Credit, Savings, Insurance, College Expenses, Life Changes, Housing, Investing, Taxes, and more!

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